Monday, August 07, 2006

Weekend in Branson

My mom, Jackson and I went to Branson this past weekend. We got all of Jackson's school clothes and supplies and even saw some shows. We had a great time . . . and I'm so glad to be done with the shopping. I don't like shopping. Never have - don't think I ever will. Now, take me to a Sam's Club - I LOVE the stuff at Sam's! But that's the only type 'shopping' I like to do! Jackson enjoys shopping about like I do - so we got done quickly!

We went to eat at Shorty Small's one night and on the shelf behind the booth were these old milk crates. . . I thought they looked cool all stacked up.

It's officially - BACK TO WORK WITH A VENGENCE time for me! Routine starts today - Jackson's first football practice is today and there will be no more time for any more family trips! I've enjoyed the trips this summer but . . . Gotta WORK - WORK - WORK now!!

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