Monday, August 07, 2006

M & M

I snapped this picture of my nieces, Maelea and Maggie, as they watched their mom leave for work. They waved and told her 'bye-bye, Mommy!' and it was so sweet. Then they just stopped and watched her drive off. I love this picture!
Lately, every time it's time for us to leave after a visit, Maelea will say "Aunt Kelly, don't go!" and she makes me feel so sad that I have to leave! - but it makes me feel special, too! And I know she does it to all her family as they are getting ready to leave - and I'm sure each of the others has the same "Isn't that sweet?" / "It makes me so sad" feelings that I do!
As I was leaving, I looked at the window where Maelea and Maggie were watching us - and Maelea had her nose pressed against the window. It looked so funny - but when I got my camera up, she backed away from the window a little bit and this is the pic I ended up with. I thought "Oh! Missed that one!" but when I got home and looked through the pics, I really liked this one!

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