Thursday, August 03, 2006

Technical Difficulties !

I was trying to update my blog last night - and for some reason BLOGGER wouldn't let me post pictures. It would just kind of freeze up when I tried. SO. . . I decided I'd wait until this morning and update it before I leave town today. . . but no such luck! It's still not working properly . . . so no updates for a few more days.

I will be out of town Thurday-Sunday again this week. This will be my last trip for a while! Jackson starts football practice on Monday - and then school starts the following Monday. I'm looking forward to the routine of the school year - although I have VERY MUCH enjoyed the freedom of summer break!

If anyone is interested in an ad for the 2006 BULLDOG football progam - you can contact me next week. Sizes and prices are: 1/4 page is $25, 1/2 page is $50, and a full page is $100. You will need to fill out a form (which I can give you) and pay for the ad on the day you turn in the form (checks payable to Star City Schools). On Saturday, August 12, I be available all day at my studio for any of you who want to purchase an ad and need a new picture to use. Just call me at 870.370.0138 to schedule a time that day. There will be no session charge for the pics (you will be able to purchase prints if you want to). August 16 is the deadline for buying an ad.

Well, I'm off on my last summer trip! I'll be back to work on a regular schedule on August 7th.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,

Blogger has been doing that for me a lot lately too! It is very annoying! I think it is just b/c so many people use it that it gets hung up.
