Monday, August 07, 2006

Weekend in Branson

My mom, Jackson and I went to Branson this past weekend. We got all of Jackson's school clothes and supplies and even saw some shows. We had a great time . . . and I'm so glad to be done with the shopping. I don't like shopping. Never have - don't think I ever will. Now, take me to a Sam's Club - I LOVE the stuff at Sam's! But that's the only type 'shopping' I like to do! Jackson enjoys shopping about like I do - so we got done quickly!

We went to eat at Shorty Small's one night and on the shelf behind the booth were these old milk crates. . . I thought they looked cool all stacked up.

It's officially - BACK TO WORK WITH A VENGENCE time for me! Routine starts today - Jackson's first football practice is today and there will be no more time for any more family trips! I've enjoyed the trips this summer but . . . Gotta WORK - WORK - WORK now!!


We went to three different shows while we were in town. My favorite was the Branson Brothers. These guys can really sing. . . and Andre Shepherd (in the middle) is one to keep an eye on. His voice is amazing - it's so smooth! More info on the show at

Terry Wayne Sanders has got to be one of the funniest people on the planet. He makes me laugh so hard it hurts!! He has so many faces and voices. . . I just can't even describe it! And when the Grandma character started dancing and 'she' did the Robot. . . Oh my gosh!! I thought I was going to disrupt the whole show with my laughing! It was well into the next act before I quit laughing! This is a show you DEFINITELY need to see if you are in Branson! There's more info on Terry at

Jackson took all of these pictures. I gave him my camera once we went in - and he took pics the entire show -- he did a great job!! Not bad for an eleven year old, huh?!?

Hurricane River Cave

On our way home, we stopped by Hurricane River Cave. I've wanted to stop and see this each time we go to Branson - but we either go through that area at the wrong time of the year - or after the cave is closed for the day! This time we were coming through about 3:30 and the last tour was at 4:15. . . so we stopped and took the tour! We had a great tour guide that told us lots of cool information about the cave. I recommend this tour if you are ever in the area! You can get more info at

This is the waterfall at the entrance of the cave.
Inside the cave. . .
Do you see the ghost in this picture?
This is called the "Mother-in-Law Tongue".
We the tour guide said that I giggled - but I can't relate because I've got the best mother-in-law ever!

M & M

I snapped this picture of my nieces, Maelea and Maggie, as they watched their mom leave for work. They waved and told her 'bye-bye, Mommy!' and it was so sweet. Then they just stopped and watched her drive off. I love this picture!
Lately, every time it's time for us to leave after a visit, Maelea will say "Aunt Kelly, don't go!" and she makes me feel so sad that I have to leave! - but it makes me feel special, too! And I know she does it to all her family as they are getting ready to leave - and I'm sure each of the others has the same "Isn't that sweet?" / "It makes me so sad" feelings that I do!
As I was leaving, I looked at the window where Maelea and Maggie were watching us - and Maelea had her nose pressed against the window. It looked so funny - but when I got my camera up, she backed away from the window a little bit and this is the pic I ended up with. I thought "Oh! Missed that one!" but when I got home and looked through the pics, I really liked this one!


Jackson and I stopped by my brother's house and on the way inside, we were greeted by the neighbor's puppy. She seems really sweet and she just started posing for me when I got my camera out! She had Jackson and I giggling so much! She was really funny and SO hyper!

Jackson and I were riding around for a little while after trying to do Jonathan's senior pics. The sky was so beautiful that day. There were bright spots and big white clouds - and just above it in places - and below in others - there were big rain clouds. I couldn't resist taking pics from the safety of my car - I didn't want to get my cameras wet!

I stopped by the fire station to take a pic of the clouds - and it was the first time I've really noticed the building. I love the big cement/rocky type columns and the big green/blue doors! Of course, since Jackson was with me (and it was okay if he got wet), I had him get out and pose for me. He really got into it this time - guess he's finally learned to just make the best of it. I got a few cool pictures in front of the doors, but they are very similar to others I've posted of Jackson. . . you know, with that great smile of his! :) LOL Then he climbed up on the yellow posts and started flexing!

I was just experimenting with the picture - and I thought this turned out kind of cool.

Jonathan Cortright - 2006 SCHS Senior

Jonathan came by last week for a senior session. He was a lot of fun! He has a great smile!! We did a few pics in the studio and then headed into town to take a few outside pics - but just as we got there - it started raining! It was bright and sunny - but there were huge rain clouds. I couldn't chance getting my cameras wet - so we are going to reschedule the outside pics! I'll post those when we get them done.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Technical Difficulties !

I was trying to update my blog last night - and for some reason BLOGGER wouldn't let me post pictures. It would just kind of freeze up when I tried. SO. . . I decided I'd wait until this morning and update it before I leave town today. . . but no such luck! It's still not working properly . . . so no updates for a few more days.

I will be out of town Thurday-Sunday again this week. This will be my last trip for a while! Jackson starts football practice on Monday - and then school starts the following Monday. I'm looking forward to the routine of the school year - although I have VERY MUCH enjoyed the freedom of summer break!

If anyone is interested in an ad for the 2006 BULLDOG football progam - you can contact me next week. Sizes and prices are: 1/4 page is $25, 1/2 page is $50, and a full page is $100. You will need to fill out a form (which I can give you) and pay for the ad on the day you turn in the form (checks payable to Star City Schools). On Saturday, August 12, I be available all day at my studio for any of you who want to purchase an ad and need a new picture to use. Just call me at 870.370.0138 to schedule a time that day. There will be no session charge for the pics (you will be able to purchase prints if you want to). August 16 is the deadline for buying an ad.

Well, I'm off on my last summer trip! I'll be back to work on a regular schedule on August 7th.
