Friday, April 07, 2006

Small Stuff

This afternoon I walked around my yard and took a few pics. Sometimes I like to just look and see the beauty in the 'small stuff' and it's everywhere. I absolutely love where I live. I think this is my favorite spot of land on the whole earth - even though I haven't seen the entire earth . . . this will always be HOME to me.

There is so much I want to do to my yard and to the area surrounding my studio... but I'm no 'green-thumb' and I don't have much time to work in the yard. But every so often I do a little bit. One afternoon last week when I got home from working at the church, Gerald and I were walking around the yard, talking about what we'd like to do as far as flower/hosta beds go. We both would like monkey grass around the big oak trees in the front yard (and we'd both like the nasty hickory tree gone - but that's a whole different job!). Gerald ended up digging up the two big wads of monkey grass that were in the back yard. . . and I split them up and planted them all around one of the oak trees. I went to check on that grass today - and it's still pretty LIMP! :) It probably won't stand up tall again until the fall - but at least I've got it planted!

At the edge of the woods near our house, there is some kind of viney plant that ends up covering the ground. I love it because it stays green all year long and this time of year it puts out pretty, little purple flowers.

We walked on around to the side yard where once upon a time, I planted a tulip bed. I don't know what happened to it... the moles probably ate all the bulbs. . . but now I get about 15 TINY little tulips that come up each spring. Only three bloomed this year. I want to rework that bed and build it up some - Tulips are my favorite flower and I'd love to have a nice bed of them!

In the front yard I have a hosta bed, which also needs to be reworked! Hostas are one of my favorite plants - they are so easy! I love the way they look this time of year, when they are just coming up. As you can tell from the pics, I need to dig them up and separate them, too!! Not sure if that will happen this year or not!

Over beside our water hydrant, where our garden hose is hooked up, there is a patch of dandelions. I know these are weeds and are supposed to be a 'bad' thing - but I think they are cool! It's so neat to me that these thick, yellow flowers 'grow up' to be the'blowy things' all kids like to play with!

I love the view from my back porch. Right now we have a baseball field in our field. But way out in the outfield, the grass is still tall and has turned brown. I love seeing all the short green grass of the field. . . and then having all the tall, brown grass filling in the field to where the trees start. I also love the way this old truck kind of completes the 'old farm' look. I use this truck as a prop for some of my pics.

Just thought I'd share some of my pics and thoughts with you. I am a blessed person . . . and some of the best blessings in life are free gifts from God that we can all share and appreciate. I encourage you to take the time to see and appreciate the 'small stuff'. The world is full of it.


Anonymous said...

the purple vine flower is called vinca's and they come back every year and easy to grow.

Anonymous said...

Those Are Really Pretty pictures & my mom & I didn't know that the yellow flowers turned into " blowy things" Ha HA!!