Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Easter Pics

This little bunny's name is Cottontail. He now belongs to Kaegan Holthoff... she really loved the bunnies and I'm so glad her mom and dad let her have this one. He was my favorite bunny of the bunch - I've never seen a rabbit with fur like this one had. It was more like a lamb's fur. It was kind of curly and he felt like a big cotton ball. He was a sweet bunny, too. He would climb right on my neck and just lay there and cuddle - I'm glad he's gone to a good home! And I keep calling him "he"... but who knows?!!? He may be a she!! Good thing they only took ONE bunny!

Here are more Easter pics from this past Saturday! Aren't the kids cute?!?!

Kids from top to bottom:

Ralston, son of William and Lisa Jacks

Kinsey, daughter of Randy and Amy Postel

Dylan, son of Brian and Jonna Butler

Jalyn, daughter of Johnathan and Paige Powell

Nicholas, son of Lisa Hill

Emily and Grant, children of Mark and Felicia Dutton

Lauren and Ethan, children of Steve and Tammy White

Regan and Weston, children of Kirk and Laura Pierce

Savannah, daughter of Chris and Marchae Brown

Jacob, Hannah and Jaycee, children of David and Rachel Merritt

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