Friday, April 07, 2006

Italian Baked Potatoes

One of my 'signature' dishes is Italian Baked Potatoes. I came up with this menu item when we owned the Pizza Place ten years ago! The only things I miss about having the Pizza Place are the huge stainless steel refrigerators, the awesome salad bar we had, and the different stuffed baked potatoes! The only potato that I regularly cook now is this one. I've shared this recipe before with friends. . . and had a request for it from one of my sisters - so thought I'd just share it with everyone.

Now. . . one thing about my cooking - I seldom measure. In the words of Rachael Ray, "I'm not giving you a recipe. . . I'm teaching you a method." :) The good thing about this dish is that you can make as much or as little as you want. When I cook this, I normally invite at least two other adults over... so I cook enough for five - because Jackson likes this, too. So, what I list here will be enough to fill 4-6 big baking potoatoes (which I just cook in the microwave).

4-6 boneless chicken breasts cut into chunks

1 bottle of Italian dressing

real bacon bits

Put all ingredients in a skillet and cook until the dressing is cooked out and chicken is browned. Sometimes, if there is a little too much oil left after chicken is browned. . . I will put a few papertowels on a plate and spoon chicken onto it, so it will soak up the extra oil, then put the chicken/baconbits back in the skillet and cook a couple minutes longer.

I stuff the chicken in big baked potatoes and cover with shredded cheddar and sour cream.


Anonymous said...

OOH....I am hungry would be much better if you would just come to my house and cook me supper!!!

KHaynes said...

Who are you??

Anonymous said...

after viewing this photo i went home and tried it myself and it was as you said,"YUMMY!!"