Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14, 2007

My Picture-A-Day 2007 exercise is going well so far. ( ) Some days it is hard to come up with one picture. Other days, like today, I like more than one of the pics I took. I'm going to try to post only one pic a day (two at the most) on the PAD blog. . . so I'm posting all of today's pics here. I went outside to take some pics of the water and puddles. It's been so rainy here all weekend. However, when I got out in my yard I noticed all the new little flowers coming up. I LOVE green - so I love to see the new flowers/grass in the spring. I worry now that it may actually get cold here soon and all these little flowers will die and not come back this spring. I thought I'd better get a few pics of them while I could!
The flowers in the pics above and below are hyacinths. They are so tiny right now that I barely noticed them. You can tell how small the sprout below is -there is a dead leaf leaning against the edge of the porch there. See how much shorter the flower sprout is than the leaf?
This is what I saw when I was walking back in the house.

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