Friday, January 19, 2007


I'm going to be out of town next week. I'm heading to Honduras to build a church with 12 others from my church. We went last January and built our first church. The churches are being built in loving memory of our former pastor, Jim Hughes. He had such a heart for missions and we are proud to carry on his dream of building churches in Honduras. Below is the plaque that we will put on the front of the church we build. It reads
This church was built by
Star City First Assembly of God
Star City, AR USA
In Loving Memory of
Pastor Jim Hughes
Jan 25, 2007 (the date we will have dedication service)

A BIG THANK YOU to Jimmy & Nancy Dreher at Southern Granite ( 870.628.4559) for making this plaque.


CJ comes to visit me every January for birthday pics. I really enjoy getting to watch her grow up and each year I have more fun that the last at our sessions. She was a great 'model' this year.

April & Brad

Another great couple for engagements this week. I met April and Brad for the first time when I did their engagements shots and I'll be shooting their wedding in March. I'm looking forward to it!

Jennifer and John

I did some engagement shots for John and Jennifer this week. I really enjoyed meeting this couple and I look forward to their wedding in June!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14, 2007

My Picture-A-Day 2007 exercise is going well so far. ( ) Some days it is hard to come up with one picture. Other days, like today, I like more than one of the pics I took. I'm going to try to post only one pic a day (two at the most) on the PAD blog. . . so I'm posting all of today's pics here. I went outside to take some pics of the water and puddles. It's been so rainy here all weekend. However, when I got out in my yard I noticed all the new little flowers coming up. I LOVE green - so I love to see the new flowers/grass in the spring. I worry now that it may actually get cold here soon and all these little flowers will die and not come back this spring. I thought I'd better get a few pics of them while I could!
The flowers in the pics above and below are hyacinths. They are so tiny right now that I barely noticed them. You can tell how small the sprout below is -there is a dead leaf leaning against the edge of the porch there. See how much shorter the flower sprout is than the leaf?
This is what I saw when I was walking back in the house.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hughes Family

Reed Family

I started my blog last February and the Reed Family were the first ones to have their pics posted. They came back again this year for more pics and this time, Mom & Dad got in on the pics, too! It's so cool to get to see people every so often and share in watching their children grow up!

Vaughan & Lee

Lee and Vaughan are getting married in June. This will be my first wedding to shoot in Alabama. I'm excited about it! As my brother said on Christmas eve this year, "Lee is the sweetest person I know." I think everyone at Christmas agreed with him. I normally don't shoot family weddings - but I was so honored that Lee asked me to do hers and I readily agreed! I look forward to a good time in June!

Oh yeah - Vaughan's a pretty good guy, too! :) I like him a lot. I just haven't known him nearly as long as Lee . . . but I look forward to many more family get-togethers where we can get to know him better. He HAS to be a good guy if he can handle our family!! :) lol I do love the way he treats Lee. He is such a gentleman and you can tell he really loves her. Welcome to the family, Vaughan!!

Dusty, Peggy & Samantha

Lindsey and Hutch

Lindsey and Hutch are getting married on February 3rd. I'm SO glad it's soon. I can't wait to post her bridal pictures. They are awesome! I can't wait for the wedding either. I know it will be beautiful and we'll get lots of great pics!

Custom Christmas Cards

Friday, January 05, 2007

January 5, 2007

A few announcements:

ALL portrait sessions posted in 2006 will be removed from the online store on January 15th. Please make sure you decide what you'd like to order and write your numbers down. Galleries can be reposted but there is a $25 reposting fee. If you aren't ready to order on the 15th - you may still place your order after that date - you'll just have to use the numbers you wrote down.

PROOF MAGAZINES are available now. These are sprial bound books with 6 pictures on each page. Every picture from the session is included and the pictures have the file number below them. They come with a title page and a clear plastic cover. These are really nice and make it very easy to keep up with your prints. The cost is $35 for up to 60 proofs and $3 for each additional page. You may order proof books from 2006 sessions.

Several families are waiting on proofs from their session and I am working on them as best I can. . . don't think I've forgotten you. . .
I've been sick for a while and I kept thinking I was getting better - but finally decided to go to the doctor because I started getting worse again. I could kick myself - I should have gone to the doctor sooner. He did x-rays and I have pneumonia. THAT's why I'm constantly tired and having these weird pains under my shoulder blades! DUH! He gave me some strong antibiotics and I have to go back next week for more x-rays. I am supposed to leave on January 20 for a missions trip to Honduras - so I just HAVE to get well before then!!

I am working to get caught up and I will get your pics posted as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007