Sunday, July 30, 2006

Eight days at Greers Ferry Lake

I have a good excuse for not updating my blog or answering phone calls since July 20! We spent the 20th - 28th camping at Greers Ferry Lake! It was the first LONG trip we've taken! We do lots of little weekend trips when Gerald has a long weekend - but we seldom get to all three go somewhere for a week together. It was so nice to get away. I took my laptop with me, thinking I'd get some work done. The only time I took it out was to watch a DVD one night when it was raining! I really wanted to work on some things - but I needed the break. . . and I really enjoyed it! We had a great time!

We stayed on the water most of the time! We would go out in the mornings - come back to camp for lunch - and head back out. It was so nice not to have a schedule - or to even look at a clock! We didn't want to come home - but the 'real world' beckoned!! And it was nice to get back to my bed!! A camper bed is just NOT the same!

Gerald's parents and aunt & cousins came for a visit on Saturday. We grilled out and ate good that day at lunch! Then his sister, Peggy and her husband, Dusty and their daughter, Samantha came up on Saturday afternoon and spent the night with us! We spent all day Sunday on the water!

Jackson had a great time on the tube! Gerald would pull him fast and make sharp S-curves to try and throw him off. The faster and sharper - the better for Jackson - the more nervous Mama was!!
He also spent a lot of time on the knee-board. He was the only one that could get up on it! Gerald and Dusty both tried - but it just didn't happen for them!
THIS is why every time we'd get back to Jackson after a fall I'd say "Are you okay??" and finally he said "PLEASE stop asking me that EVERY time!!" I told him I couldn't help it!! I swore each time I saw him crash that 'THAT ONE REALLY HURT HIM!' But it never did! I guess it's easy to forget how much less things hurt when you are a kid!!
I much preferred MY baby riding in the tube at a slow rate! We were just cruising around the lake one afternoon - so he just rode behind us in the tube! This looks much safer to me!!
Samantha enjoyed tubing, too!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never seen this child look so much like his uncle Sam. Jackson looks more like Sam than Sams children look like him. And Samantha...she is just down right beautiful.