Saturday, July 15, 2006


I spent the past weekend in Memphis. My grandmother just turned 80 - and most of the family got together at my aunt/uncle's house in Memphis to celebrate! Gma, Jackson and I went over on Thursday, so we could spend a couple of extra days there. We had a great time! I wish we could do family get-togethers like this more often - but everyone is so busy! We've decided we're going to start making more of an effort to have them - and the ones that can come - will come. . . and the ones that miss it - can come to the next one.

On a previous trip to Memphis, my cousins had taken me to Huey's to eat. It's a burger joint that has GREAT food - and I love the casual atmosphere. I thought Jackson would enjoy eating there - so I took him on Friday.

At Huey's people write all over the walls and posters that are up. It looks cool in there and everyone loves to leave their own writings for others to see.Another cool thing about Huey's is blowing the colorful toothpicks through the straws and making them stick to the ceiling. The ceilings are COVERED with the toothpicks! Jackson tried several times to get the toothpick from my burger into the ceiling - but he could never do it. Finally, I asked the waitress what the secret was. She came back with a cup full of toothpicks and several clean straws. She said the trick is to use a DRY straw. . . and poke the toothpick into it - and use another toothpick to push it down about 1 1/2" from the end you blow on. Then she turned her head up and blew the toothpick straight into the ceiling. Jackson and I spent 30 mins in there just blowing toothpicks! He got the hang of it much quicker than I did. I think his final count was 11 toothpicks. I think I got five. We each got several on top of a little shelf that is above the door. . . and several stuck in a neon light! We had a great time! Thank goodness we went in the middle of the afternoon and it was not crowded at all - - or we may have embarassed ourselves! :) LOL If you are ever in Memphis - you should stop by Huey's!!

As always, I had to get some pics of Jackson in a new surrounding. These pics were done at my aunt/uncle's house.

On the way home Sunday, we got stuck in some slow traffic in the construction areas. We were going pretty slow and when I got to where I could see around the big truck beside me - this is what I saw. It made me jump slightly - I was paying attention to my driving - but WASN'T expecting to see a semi going the other way! :) THANK GOODNESS it was just a new truck being pulled by another truck!!

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