Saturday, July 15, 2006

Taking a Break

I've been working at my computer most of the day. I'm so behind on my work. . . and I'm doing my best to get caught up. By this evening, I was ready for a break. Frequent breaks to fold laundry and reload the washing machine don't count!! So late this afternoon, I grabbed my camera and walked around my yard looking for things to 'shoot.' The majority of the time, these photos end up being deleted. . . but I feel better just walking around for a little bit. I should probably take up basket-weaving or something instead of making MORE work for myself when I take a break! :) LOL I'm kidding - I love taking pics. . . and I've never woven a basket in my life!

This is one of the Caladiums in my yard. I think these plants are so pretty. Their colors are amazing!
Just a lonely little piece of ivy. I planted this ivy beside the big oak tree in my backyard THREE years ago! This has got to be the slowest growing ivy ever!! Most ivy I've seen just takes over whatever it is growing on. I guess this is growing so slow because I WANT it to grow up the tree!! If it were POISION IVY - it would be up the tree by now! That's what's on the big tree in my front yard!!
An old disk. . . just thought it made a cool pic!
It's my blog. . . I can post a picture of rust if I want to.
I took a pic of this little weed flower.
I thought it looked kind of cool . . .
but I got kinda freaked out when I looked at it closely. . .
Do you see the big green SPIDER sitting on the flower?!?! I didn't notice that until I was looking through the pics. If I would have seen it when I was taking the pictures I would have probably had a fit and ran into the house! But it's kind of a pretty spider - it is green! Just hope it stays out there in its lovely flower home!!!

AWWW.... Isn't he cute??

Are you tired of pics of my dog and my kid, yet?!? If so, see the rust comment above. :) LOL
I was in my office editing pics and I looked over and Zeus had come in there and laid in his bed that I put in there for him. I never heard him come in! I LOVE how he just wants to be near me!

Dogs are awesome with their unconditional love and devotion!!

I woke him up when I took his picture!

Okay . . . enough posting for tonight. . . gotta get to bed so I can work all day tomorrow, too!!

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