Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Back to Blogging

So it's taken me a while to get ready to blog again - but I do have LOTS of pics to blog today. . . so get ready! Hopefully, I won't get so far behind again . . . but no promises!! :)

This is why you shouldn't leave your camera in the car all day in the middle of summer! I found my camera like this at the end of a summer day. It had been in my purse in the trunk of my car. A cool design on the cracked screen though!

I did get to get a new camera - which always makes me happy. . . but I was very happy with this camera and I got a newer version of it. If you are looking for a great little digital camera - you should check out the Canon Digital Elphs - GREAT cameras! They also take videos and have manual settings for more control over your pics - if that is something you are in to!

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