Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I've gotten so behind on my blogging . . . which several people have pointed out to me! :) But that's good -- it means people are actually watching my blogspot!

We've been CrAzY busy with baseball the past couple of weeks. But all that came to an end on Sunday - - but then on the way home from the last ballgame in Woodlawn, I was involved in a minor car accident. Actually, a guy hit me from behind while trying to pass - and KEPT GOING! What a jerk! I spent most of the day Monday at the insurance office, body-shops, and the doctor's office. No serious injuries - just sore/spasming neck muscles - which is to be expected with this type of accident. Jackson was in the car with me - and thankfully, he is perfectly fine!

SO... all of that to say -- I AM working on getting LOTS of new pics up on my blogspot. Hopefully, I'll have that done in the next few days!

Thanks for reading my blog!! And an extra big THANK YOU to those of you being so patient with me while waiting for your proofs!! Hopefully, now that baseball is over, I can get back to getting things done in a more timely manner!!


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