Friday, May 26, 2006


We had a tough game last night! Games like this are going to make me old before my time!!

We were playing the Vols and they had first bat. They scored three runs on us. We scored three to tie it up at the end of the first inning.
I was taking team pics for other teams during the first part of the second inning. I heard the crowd start yelling and I looked around and saw "orange men" running all around the bases! NOT good for our team. Trevor Tucker had a great hit and batted in 3 runs. He would have had a homerun for himself if not for a great throw by Lance Harvey to Jackson, who was catching. Jackson forced Trevor back to third. The Vols ended up scoring six runs that inning - and because our league has a 6-run per inning rule - we came in to bat.
We got a couple of kids on base and then Jackson was up to bat. Jackson normally is clean-up batter - but for some reason Gerald put him as third batter last night. Whatever the reasoning behind that was certainly paid off! Jackson got an in-the-park homerun and scored 3 runs for us. Then Zack House was up to bat and hit a triple. We ended up scoring our six runs that inning so it was all tied at 9 runs each.
Zack was our pitcher in the third inning and when we needed it most - he pitched 3 up and 3 down! We got up to bat and our kids did great. When Jackson got up to bat, he had another great hit - thought it was going to be a two-homerun game for him. . . but Trevor Tucker was in the outfield and he made an AWESOME throw to their catcher and they were able to force Jackson back to third. I guess you could say Jackson made a triple and a half - because he was halfway home before he saw that ball come in and the catcher head towards him. And I guess Trevor got his 'revenge' on Jackson for 'stealing' his homerun earlier in the game!
Both teams played a great game. . . and even though I hate to see any of the kids lose - I'm glad we came out with another win!! Hoot Gibson, the head umpire, gives out game balls and the end of each game. For that game, he gave one to Jackson for his two great hits which kept us in the game and then helped us win the game. The other ball went to Zack House for the 3up - 3down when we needed it most!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job Kelly!!!!!! I really enjoy looking at all your pics. I don't like snakes, at all, but the way you put that green snake in Sidewinders was pretty cool. Keep up the good work.

Sissy Harvey