Saturday, May 20, 2006

Behind on Blogging

I've been doing lots of team/group pictures lately. I haven't blogged those because I hate to try to pick out 2 or 3 of the kids to put on here. . . I don't want to leave any of them out. . . so I just don't blog the big groups. Maybe I'll figure out a good way to do that!

Also, I was out of town for a few days this week. My brothers and their families and our parents rented a house in Hot Springs Village and we all went there for a few days. It was nice place and had a yard full of pansies. The guys golfed in the mornings and we took the kids to the park. We had a great time together. It was nice to get away . . . but as usual, I got further behind in my work!! Someday I'll get caught up. . . at least, I keep TELLING myself that!! :) Jackson on the golf course.

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