Saturday, May 27, 2006

Carissa Green - SCHS SR 2007

I had a blast tonight with Carissa and her mom, Rebecca. Carissa came in for a Senior session. We had a great time! Carissa and her mom are so much fun to be around and we laughed all night! Carissa is a photographer's dream! She's very photogenic and willing to do whatever I ask. . . not to mention, GORGEOUS!

Ashely Muckleroy and Kids

Friday morning I had a session with Ashley and her children, Cole, Caleb and Gracie. I had a great time and I think we got lots of good pics! The boys have grown so much since I took their pictures last time. . . and this was my first time to meet Gracie. She is so cute . . . and she is making the cutest face where she wrinkles her nose up and grins! It's too funny! Her big brothers sure seem crazy about her, too!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Lindsey White - SEARK Player of the Year

Congratulations to Lindsey on being named SEARK Player of the Year by the Pine Bluff Commercial. She also made the All-District, All-Region and All-State teams. She has several other awards, too, this year - but I know I'll mess it up if I try to name them all!!

Watch for an article about Lindsey in the Sunday edition of the PB Commercial. . . with some photos by KHaynes photography!! (shameless plug for me!!)


We had a tough game last night! Games like this are going to make me old before my time!!

We were playing the Vols and they had first bat. They scored three runs on us. We scored three to tie it up at the end of the first inning.
I was taking team pics for other teams during the first part of the second inning. I heard the crowd start yelling and I looked around and saw "orange men" running all around the bases! NOT good for our team. Trevor Tucker had a great hit and batted in 3 runs. He would have had a homerun for himself if not for a great throw by Lance Harvey to Jackson, who was catching. Jackson forced Trevor back to third. The Vols ended up scoring six runs that inning - and because our league has a 6-run per inning rule - we came in to bat.
We got a couple of kids on base and then Jackson was up to bat. Jackson normally is clean-up batter - but for some reason Gerald put him as third batter last night. Whatever the reasoning behind that was certainly paid off! Jackson got an in-the-park homerun and scored 3 runs for us. Then Zack House was up to bat and hit a triple. We ended up scoring our six runs that inning so it was all tied at 9 runs each.
Zack was our pitcher in the third inning and when we needed it most - he pitched 3 up and 3 down! We got up to bat and our kids did great. When Jackson got up to bat, he had another great hit - thought it was going to be a two-homerun game for him. . . but Trevor Tucker was in the outfield and he made an AWESOME throw to their catcher and they were able to force Jackson back to third. I guess you could say Jackson made a triple and a half - because he was halfway home before he saw that ball come in and the catcher head towards him. And I guess Trevor got his 'revenge' on Jackson for 'stealing' his homerun earlier in the game!
Both teams played a great game. . . and even though I hate to see any of the kids lose - I'm glad we came out with another win!! Hoot Gibson, the head umpire, gives out game balls and the end of each game. For that game, he gave one to Jackson for his two great hits which kept us in the game and then helped us win the game. The other ball went to Zack House for the 3up - 3down when we needed it most!

Isn't this cool?!?!

The 250 hedges that I ordered FINALLY came in on Wednesday. . . and I was lucky enough that Thursday was one of Gerald's off days this week - I think he'll say it was UNlucky! :) We got up early Thursday morning to get busy planting before it got TOO hot outside. While Gerald went and to get a tillar, I was walking around the yard. I noticed some strange looking little flowers along the edge of the ditch. The leaves look like Mimosa tree leaves. . . but I've never seen a flower like this before. The look like fireworks - the tips of them are a bright yellow - almost like they are on fire. Of course, I had to get out my camera. I took a few shots of the flowers and some other flowers around my yard and then I took my camera back in the house. I didn't put it back up - I set it on the freezer in the utility room.

I went back outside and walked around the yard and over by my studio I noticed a little shaded area under the pine trees that would make a good place for a Hosta bed or some kind of flower bed for plants that need shade. There is some Poision Ivy and other plants growing there - so that will have to be taken up - and there were also some little branches sticking off the pine trees. I started pulling off those little branches and as I was starting on the second tree, I reached down to grab a branch that was probably a foot off the ground. As I did, something green caught my eye. It was a little grass snake. I thought it was the prettiest shade of green.

NOW. . . if this had been a trantula or any type of spider - I'd have been in my house in under 3o seconds. . . and I probably would not have come out for the rest of the day - hedge planting or not! But snakes don't bother me much. I'm not fond of the poisionous ones - but this little grass snake was just cute! I yelled for Jackson to step inside and get my camera and "HURRY UP!" I was afraid the snake was going to leave with all the yelling I was doing! We had a little photo shoot with this small grass snake. I don't think the snake enjoyed it too much. He seemed a little freaked out by Jackson and I "up in" his space. He stayed on the little branch for several minutes and then finally he decided he'd had enough when Jackson started trying to pick him up. He slithered down the tree so quickly that we lost him for a minute. But we eventually saw him a few feet away. When we were planting the hedges near that area, I kept looking for his mama. I was sure he'd gone and told her how we'd been harassing him and I figured she was going to be after us! But apparently she was one of those moms that said, "Well, you KNEW bettter than to be there in the first place!" :)

After I downloaded my pics, I noticed in the pic below the snake had an "S" shape too it. So of course, it make me think of the KHaynes Sidewinders. . . and I had to make this little pic for our team logo! :) How perfect was it that it was a pretty little GREEN grass snake and our team colors are green and white?!?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Behind on Blogging

I've been doing lots of team/group pictures lately. I haven't blogged those because I hate to try to pick out 2 or 3 of the kids to put on here. . . I don't want to leave any of them out. . . so I just don't blog the big groups. Maybe I'll figure out a good way to do that!

Also, I was out of town for a few days this week. My brothers and their families and our parents rented a house in Hot Springs Village and we all went there for a few days. It was nice place and had a yard full of pansies. The guys golfed in the mornings and we took the kids to the park. We had a great time together. It was nice to get away . . . but as usual, I got further behind in my work!! Someday I'll get caught up. . . at least, I keep TELLING myself that!! :) Jackson on the golf course.

Sidewinders May 16

The Sidewinders are on a roll. . . we've kept our winning streak alive. Let's hope it continues through the season! Our guys are playing hard and doing their best.

Alan Peterson at bat.
Cody Hampton at bat.
Cory Hampton slides home.

M'Kenslee Holloway

Last week, I had a session with M'Kenslee. She was so much fun. She smiled and 'talked' the whole time. She is such a little beauty!
M'Kenslee is the daughter of Preston and Danielle Holloway.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

After the storms. . .

I love this time of year. Green is my favorite color and I love the different shades of green in the new grasses, leaves, and plants. It seems to me that the sky is so much more blue this time of year and there are always bright, white, fluffly clouds!

I put some planters out in front of my studio to try to dress it up a little bit. I bought some type of plant that is supposed to do really well in really dry ground. . . which is good because I'll probably be horrible at watering the plants in the middle of summer. I was told that the hotter and drier it gets, the better the plant does. The flowers are blooming so beautifully right now. . . I can't imagine the plants looking much better than they do now. . . but we'll see this summer!


We have had LOTS of rain the past couple of weeks. . . and Tuesday night and Wednesday morning we got more than rain!! We got lots of high winds and reports of tornados right outside of Star City. Thankfully, there were no reports of anyone hurt, but we did hear of a house or two with lots of damage.

Wednesday morning when I was taking Jackson to school, it was still so dark outside from all the storm clouds overhead. Normally it's nice and bright - but not that day!

When I got to the church, I noticed all the water drops on my car. I think the patterns the water drops make are so cool... so of course, I got pics!

I was working at my desk at the church and about 10:30 I got an email from KATV weather service telling me that a severe thunderstorm would hit Star City at 10:45. Sure enough, at 10:45 on the dot... the storm started rolling in. The sky got dark and then I noticed how the gray clouds were straight on the edges. It looked like a giant grey sheet rolling across the sky.

I stood out under the awning and watched the clouds and wind blowing the trees. I finally had to go inside when the wind got so strong it was blowing sheets of water under the covering.

Storms normally scare me. . . but I think because I was trying to get pictures of everything, I was too busy to get scared. I also thought if it was going to be really bad. . . there's no better place to be than at church!

Sidewinders are on a roll !!

The Sidewinders won their Monday night game. The boys all played great!

Team prayer before the game.
Nye Nuckols does a great job pitching.
Zack House slides safely home.
Ethan Pruitt runs the bases.

Sidewinders barely slide by the other team!!

We had a tough game on Tuesday night. We got behind early in the game and didn't get ahead until the last inning (but that's when it counts!). Our boys fought hard and stayed in the game and got the win!

Jacob Hunsaker gets a hit.
Lance Harvey slides into third.
Jackson steals home and gets hit with the ball.
Austin Smith pitching.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Tamie Stinson - SR pics

Tamie is graduating from SCHS a year early. She's worked hard to get all of her course work done in only three years. She will complete her final course this summer and will begin college at UAM in the fall. She earned a spot on the UAM majorette squad. . . so she will have be very busy at college with classes and practices and games.

Congrautlations on your early graduation, Tamie!!


What a tiny baby! Maddie is 3 1/2 weeks old - and isn't she beautiful?!?! She has a head full of dark hair and she was the best baby during the shoot. She had clothes taken off, diapers changed, moved from one place to another. . . and she never even fussed! She was great! She really loved the sheepskin rug that she laid on - I think she would have been content to stay there much longer. . . but Mom and Dad were ready to go.

Here are a few more pics.

LOVE little baby feet!