Saturday, February 25, 2006

Meet Rosy

I went scrapbooking tonight... something I love to do - and don't get to do enough. There are monthly crops scheduled and I haven't been for several months. I miss the get-togethers when I can't be there! Dianna Chambers is my 'scrapbooking lady.' She is a consultant with Creative Memories. We meet at her house each month. Dianna is a very talented lady and is SO helpful to all of us when we are at a crop. She always has the perfect sticker, die-cut, or whatever we are looking for - even when we don't know we are looking for it! She is a very talented scrapbooker as well.

Dianna and her daughter, Jordan, have a new hobby. (They are some of the most creative, talented individuals I've ever met!) They are making things with clay. They started this hobby earlier this year and have made all kinds of cute animals and people. They have the most amazing details. I was so impressed with all the things they had made. They start with a soft, colorful clay... and mold it into the cutest things. Then they bake it in the oven to harden it.

Dianna was nice enough to give me Rosy, tonight. Isn't she CUTE?!?! Rosy matches me because we both have dark hair! I used to wear my hair like that when I was little, too!! I love Rosy and I'm going to find a very special place for her in my house! THANKS, DIANNA!!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Website Issues

I'm in the process of changing hosts for my website, so my site is down right now. I hope to have it back up and MUCH IMPROVED very soon.

I am also getting my online store set up - so you we be able to order your photos online if you want to... and it will also make it easier to let family and friends see the pictures. The online store address is
It is not quite ready to place orders on yet... but you can see how the system will work.

If you need to contact me, you can email me at
or call me at (870) 628-6909 or (870) 370-0138.

Thank you for your patience during this process.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I love GREEN!

Green is my favorite color. I like most shades of green... but Kelly Green is my favorite - long before I knew it was 'kelly' green. I love this hat Jackson got last night. He also got his hair cut today... so of course, I had to get out the camera. He's finally learned to just grin and make faces for me - because I'll keep taking pics until I get something I like. I hope he doesn't feel 'abused' by the number of photographs I take of him. It's just what he gets for being so darn cute!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ty Kimbrell Socia

I had a great time today taking pics of Todd and Danielle Socia's little boy, Ty. He has the biggest blue eyes and the LONGEST eyelashes! I've always wondered why the boys seem to get the LONG eyelashes and the girls don't.... doesn't quite seem fair! We had a blast doing the cowboy and duck-blind pics... we laughed and giggled as Todd & Danielle tried to keep Ty sitting up straight. After our session, I got to play with Ty for a little bit. I ended up setting him on the couch and he started talking and cooing and SMILING! He sat there for probably 15 minutes and we had the best conversation!! Of course, I had to get my camera back out and get some other shots of him... Days like this are why I enjoy this job so much!

Monday, February 20, 2006


Never say never.
If you'd have asked me even five years ago if I'd ever have a house dog - I would have said "NO WAY! - I can't stand those little yappin' things!" I was wrong. I CAN stand them -- at least ONE of them.

Gerald messed up in early 2003 and said that he wouldn't mind having a Chihuahua someday - just like his grandparents did. "So did MY grandparents! All of them were named Carmalita!" It didn't take long for Jackson and I to start begging for a dog. We held off for a while - but one day we went to the Village Pet Store... and there he was. Our dog. I called Gerald ... he said "no" again... I whined a little bit... Gerald gave in... and we came home with a tiny teacup Chihuahua puppy. He weighed less than a pound. He was adorable.... and still is - to me!

Zeus is the only one that RUNS to the door when I get home and is SO excited to see me when I get home .... even if I've only been gone a few minutes. He has a way of melting my heart - even when it feels hardened. He loves me no matter what. It doesn't matter if I'm in a bad mood, if I'm sad, if I'm having a bad hair day... He loves me. Pets are awesome with their unconditional love.

It's really cold here right now. However, we don't keep our house warm enough for Zeus. He'd like it to be HOT - all the time! We bought a space heater and we've put it at the edge of the kitchen to keep him warm (he stays in the tiled part of the house when we are gone during the day). Normally, when we are home, Zeus is in somebody's lap... however, it's so cold now that he prefers to sit on his pillow and cuddle with the heater. We get tickled when we are cooking and look over and Zeus is peeking out from behind the heater.

He get's a little bit camera shy!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


It's cold here! We were expected to have really bad weather this weekend... but it never really got that bad. Of course, I never got out to drive on the roads - but Gerald made it back and forth to work without trouble. He said there were only a few icy spots closer to Pine Bluff. I'm glad we were spared a huge ice storm... and I'm SO glad we never lost our electricity!! We are all-electric - so we'd have had to move in with other family if we'd have lost the electricity for too long!

Jackson brought a recipe home from school a few weeks ago. He's been wanting to make these Cowboy Crackers ever since. We finally did make them this afternoon. I don't understand how you can put OIL all over crackers and they don't get soggy or greasy. I just don't get it.... but that's what happens. Jackson loves these crackers. Here's the recipe in case you want to try them.

Cowboy Crackers

1 lb. box of saltine crackers

1/2 - 3/4 cups Canola oil

1 Tbs. cayenne pepper (more or less to taste)

1 pkg. dry ranch dressing mix

Put crackers in Ziploc bag. Mix oil, pepper, and dressing. Pour over crackers and shake until crackers are covered. Toss every 15 mins. for 1 hour.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I lost by ONE LETTER!!!

We played SCRABBLE tonight after dinner. Jackson ran out of tiles first...Gerald was ahead of me by two points. He was left with the "Q" worth 10 points... and I was left with the "J" worth 8 points... so we ended up tied for first. Jackson suggested we draw a letter to name a winner - just like we do to see who plays first. I drew an "O" (which must stand for 'OH NO!') and Gerald drew a "N"!!!! I got beat by ONE LETTER!! That's worse than gettting beaten by 50 points!

Oh, well - we had a great time tonight and lots of laughs -- and that is what counts... although I REALLY hate to lose! :)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Reed Kids

Last week I had the priviledge of doing a session for Jason and Patti Reed of El Dorado. Their children, Gage, Griffin & Gracie were so much fun. Not only are they cute as they can be - you can tell they genuinely like each other.... and that little Gracie has her big brothers wrapped around her fingers!


WELCOME to my blog!
This is a place that I can share with you the things going on at KHaynes photography. And a place for you to let me know what you think... let me know what you'd like to see me offer... pass along suggestions. Don't be afraid to leave comments!!

Check back often for updates and new pics!
