Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jack and Sam

Taking pics of these two is NEVER easy. . .
See what I have to deal with! If I get one of them looking right and smiling - the other one has their eyes closed or crossed or a pouty face! Most of the time - neither of them "looks right!"
Samantha came over to get some pics done. . . so while I had the chance I decided to take a pic for my ad in the Bulldog program. We laughed and carried-on as we normally do . . . but we actually did get some good pics!
I was SO SO SO proud to get this pic! It's my favorite ever of them together!

Another cute one. . .


What I typically get. . . .
The pics I'm SO proud of when I get them!!

Coy's 1st Birthday


Bryan, Nikki and Bryleigh

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Can you believe this?!?!

I've been away the past few days. My grandmother is in the hospital in Little Rock with a strain of tick fever. It has really made her feel bad the past couple of weeks. We were so glad when they finally figured out what was wrong with her . . . but the doc said it would be anywhere from 2 weeks to a month before she was feeling 'normal' again. This is one tough disease to get over!

My cousin Katy and I were at the hospital with her on Saturday. We rather alarmed when we walked in a saw her. She was smiling - but she just didn't look like herself.
We were really shocked by what we saw!Then we saw ourselves too!! WHAT was going on?!?!
We finally got our faces back to normal . . . but we just couldn't seem to get hers fixed!!
FINALLY. . . we were all back to normal. . . WELL. . . as 'normal' as the three of us ever are!!
Hahaha! Seriously, Katy has a Mac laptop that I'll probably end up 'accidentally' picking up tomorrow when I'm at the hospital! It is SWEET!! The camera has all these funky settings and we had the best time taking pics of ourselves and laughing. I think we took about 50 pics Saturday afternoon! We laughed so loud and so much that we kept thinking we'd get in trouble!! When one of the nurses came in to check Gma's vitals we all thought she was coming to fuss at us! But she ended up laughing as hard as we did at the pics!! We were afraid they wouldn't really believe she was sick as much fun as we were having!! But we always have fun when we are together!! They are two of my best buddies!
If you are a praying person. . . please remember my Gma Polly in yours prayers. We really want her to get well soon. She's had a long two years. . . first she had a horrible time with a foot surgery and infection that developed. . . then a MISERABLE battle with Shingles that still bothers her sometimes. . . now this. She's 81 and tough as nails. . . but it's time for a break for her!

Friday, July 06, 2007