Tuesday, March 20, 2007



Natalie came in for her 8 year old pics. I love getting to photograph her each year. I always have a fun time with Natalie. She has a great personality and we laugh so much during her sessions!

John & Jennifer engagements

I'm blessed with the couples I've worked with lately. I've had so much fun with them and Jennifer and John are no exception. I always enjoy seeing them. I have a great time taking their pics and I know their June wedding will be a great time, too!

Jessica & Lezeme engagements

I had a great time with Jessica and Lezeme. They were so much fun! We laughed and had a great time. They were such good sports and did whatever I asked them to and they also had great ideas of their own! I'm looking forward to their wedding in April.

Matthew's 1st birthday

I got to do Matthew's one-year portrait and his pics with the birthday cake. He had such a good time with his cake and we all had a great time watching him eat it!!

The Grands

My parents get lots of pics of the grandkids. . . but not usually at the same time. We do them on special occasions normally. A while back my dad asked for pictures of the grandkids at the same time - not necessarily a pic of them all together ( I think the knew how hard that would be!) - but at the same point in time. Just so he could look back and know that this is what they each looked like at one point. With Daniel and his family living out of state - it's hard to find a time we can all get together - usually the holidays are too hectic to try to schedule photo time! However, they were in recently and we did make time to get all the kids to the studio - we even TRIED to get a group shot - but that didn't happen! Maybe in a couple of years we'll make that happen! So here are the grandkids. . .

Emma Kate

April and Brad

I had a great time at April and Brad's wedding. I loved how the families laughed together and seemed to really enjoy themselves. I love it when families have a good time together and you can tell they really LIKE each other.

When Dustin was asked if he was going to 'give his mom away' he always responded, "NO!"
I loved how he wanted to make sure people knew he wasn't giving her away . . . just walking her down the aisle. He loves her too much to give her away!
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kappler leave the sanctuary.

This was one of the coolest ceremonies I've ever seen.
Brad made special vows to Dustin and then gave him a necklace so that each time he looked at it he would know that Brad will be there for him and love him as his own son. It was such a neat way to involve Dustin with the ceremony.